It's Official, our web site is up and running! There is so much to talk about, I am not sure what to post first. I guess a good place to start is, who we are and what we are about. The Precious Child Foundation was started out of a family wanting to see more done for the children that were falling through the cracks. Sitting around my Mom's dining room table for dinner, there was constant talk of things that we would love to see and do for kids. It went way beyond our local community, but things that seemed impossible for us to accomplish alone. We realized that our entire family had the same heart, desires and dreams, to improve the lives of children. So based on the nickname for my Mom, Mother Precious, Precious Child Foundation was born. We started off small and slow, but now we are going forward in full force.
The Precious child Foundation is a strong supporter of adoptions, both domestic and international. We realize that children become available for adoption for many different reasons. Our belief is that no child should live without the love of a mother or father. Every child deserves a home. We know that it is almost impossible for every child to be adopted. One of our passions is to make sure that just because a child is without parents, they are not without their basic needs.
We would love to hear from you and have you along with us as we learn and grow. We believe that we as a community we have to take action and be the hands, feet and eyes for those who cannot improve their lives situation alone. We believe that there is beauty in every culture and race of people. The place or family to whom someone is born should never define if their basic needs are met. If life does not enable them to meet them on their own, then that is where we step in to help. We love the idea of a world where every child lives without the fear of harm or hunger. Where they are educated, clothed and fed. Children should be able to live their lives with joy and freedom not hungry or walking for water everyday.
We are so glad that you stopped by to find out who we are and what we are about. Keep checking in to see what other things we are up to in the future.
The Precious child Foundation is a strong supporter of adoptions, both domestic and international. We realize that children become available for adoption for many different reasons. Our belief is that no child should live without the love of a mother or father. Every child deserves a home. We know that it is almost impossible for every child to be adopted. One of our passions is to make sure that just because a child is without parents, they are not without their basic needs.
We would love to hear from you and have you along with us as we learn and grow. We believe that we as a community we have to take action and be the hands, feet and eyes for those who cannot improve their lives situation alone. We believe that there is beauty in every culture and race of people. The place or family to whom someone is born should never define if their basic needs are met. If life does not enable them to meet them on their own, then that is where we step in to help. We love the idea of a world where every child lives without the fear of harm or hunger. Where they are educated, clothed and fed. Children should be able to live their lives with joy and freedom not hungry or walking for water everyday.
We are so glad that you stopped by to find out who we are and what we are about. Keep checking in to see what other things we are up to in the future.