Every year when we start planning for our annual Walk For Water, we start with our goal. We look at how much money we expect to raise and how many clean water wells can be funded. We always try to keep registration fees at a reasonable cost. We want to make it so that everyone who would like to walk is able to do so. While we are not a huge walk event yet, we still depend on local sponsors, large and small, to make up a large portion of the money that we raise. We have AWESOME sponsors, and we want to do a huge shout out to them! From matching grants to one time sponsorships, we could not do it without them.

We all know how amazing it is for Tulsa Braces to provide a matching grant. Their goal is to help us provide one clean water well. Tulsa Braces and Dr. C are determined to help us give others clean water with your help. Stop by Tulsa Braces today and donate. 3305 E 45th Pl (45th and Harvard)

Phillips 66 not only matches employees monetary gifts to Precious Child Foundation, but are an awesome company that we have enjoyed working with over the last few years.

Many thanks to OSH for their generous donation! Their commitment to the heath and happiness of their patients goes far beyond their hospital walls. With their help, we are able to provide health to others half-way around the world.
Precious Child Foundation would like to thank more faithful sponsors:
Jana Crain, MD
BIOMET Orthopedics
Major League Medical Physics