Many people began to ask if we were going to hold the walk, and deciding what to do has not been easy. We are aware that some people do not feel comfortable in social settings just yet, while others are ready to begin the steps to a new normal for all of us. We never want anyone to think that we are not concerned with the safety of others.
So in deciding what to do, these were the thoughts that we considered.
While Ghana had its borders closed and stay at home orders in place, the drilling of wells was still allowed. If you think about it, what could be more essential than providing clean water to people during a time that we are being told that properly washing our hands is the main key to stopping the spread of Covid-19? With this being said, many in Ghana have not had the luxury to stay at home to feel safer and use water from their own kitchen sinks. They had to walk miles and miles for their water, even at the risk of being exposed.
Imagine learning disease and death could be prevented with a cleaner source of water.
Water is life. Water is essential. Water is needed to save lives; not only during the Covid-19 outbreak, but for future years to come.
So after considering these simple facts, we have decided that if the City of Tulsa allows us to hold the Walk For Water event, we will do so on August 29, 2020.
Please consider donating or becoming a Walk For Water Sponsor. Even if you do not plan to attend the event, your donations are needed now, more than ever before.